Code of Conduct for Advacheck Software Users

In consideration of the conditions of the Agreement and the mutual covenants hereinafter contained, the following is agreed upon to ensure:

  • The effective use of checks at Licensee’s disposal in accordance with the Agreement and the prevention of misuse of checks.
  • The protection of personal data and legitimate user accounts, as well as the prevention of disclosure of such information to third parties.
  • The protection of user documents and reports against unauthorized actions by third parties (copying, deleting, and other actions performed with documents).

The parties hereto agree as follows:

  1. Proper conduct when using Advacheck Software entails the use of Advacheck Software to work with documents related to the user’s professional field; the protection of their login details by the user; the use of available checks for intended purposes; and the refusal to use Advacheck Software to «adjust» the originality percentage to the required value or to search for ways of cheating.
  2. All system users must use their own accounts for their work (i.e., the username and password) provided by Licensee’s system administrator. If the user does not have an account, they should contact Licensee’s system administrator.
  3. The Licensor makes every possible effort to ensure the users’ personal data is protected. Advacheck Software users should not share their own login details (username and password) with third parties (colleagues, students, administrators, Licensor employees, or others). Users must inform Licensee’s system administrator about any unauthorized use of their login details by third parties to change their password.
  4. The Licensor offers its clients the opportunity to use Advacheck Software’s features for detecting text reuse in scientific and academic papers. Advacheck Software users are allowed to carry out document checks to identify text reuse as part of their job responsibilities and solely for professional purposes. Advacheck Software users are not permitted to use their accounts to provide any services to third parties, except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement.
  5. The number of checks at the subscribing Licensee’s disposal is prescribed by the Agreement with the Licensor. Advacheck Software users are required to use text checks for their intended purpose, i.e., to identify reuse, and are not allowed to use the checks with the aim of «adapting» the text of the document until it meets Licensee’s originality targets, or to achieve the same goal by cheating Advacheck Software.
  6. Advacheck Software was created with the aim of improving the quality of scientific and academic papers and is a tool for assessing how appropriately and correctly the text has been reused. Advacheck Software identifies overlaps between text fragments (including paraphrases and translations) in the document being checked and sources in the search area. Licensee’s experts are the ones who decide how appropriately and correctly the text has been reused using the text reuse report.
  7. The Licensor provides Licensee’s system administrators with a set of tools for monitoring and managing users, such as access to the user’s activity log, and the capability to create, block, and unblock accounts. Advacheck Software administrators should monitor the use of checks by each user based on their login details at least once a quarter and analyze the performance indicators of Advacheck Software to prevent misuse of checks and personal data leaks. Upon detection of suspicious activity from a user account, Advacheck Software administrators must block access to the account of such a user. User access to accounts or individual features of Advacheck Software may be automatically restricted.
  8. Upon receiving a message from a user about a leak of their account details, the Licensor must change the password of this user.
  9. The Licensor may remove restrictions imposed on the user’s account only if they are confident that the user has been using Advacheck Software in accordance with these principles and that the user account has not been compromised.